Our booking system calculates fair and accurate pricing, with flat rates for most of Halifax Regional Municipality.
Any addresses outside of those areas are calculated by distance.
★ DISCOUNTED RATES: Some areas are automatically discounted. These rates do not apply when booking under 12 hours notice.
Sedan Long Distance Rate
$1.75 / Km
- LOCAL: $70 Hourly Rate
SUV Long Distance Rate
$2.60 / Km
- LOCAL: $95 Hourly Rate
As of October 1st, 2019 the Halifax Airport Authority raised the Halifax rates.
$67 Sed / $95 SUV
- Halifax Penninsula
Cowie Hill
$70+ SED / $100+ SUV
- Past Rotary, Walter Havil Dr.
$75+ SED / $110+ SUV
- Past St. Michaels Ave
$60/SED - $95/SUV
- Up to Hammonds Plains Rd
Bedford West
$60/SED - $95/SUV
- Hammonds Plains Rd to Larry Utek
Hammonds Plains
$60+/SED - $100/SUV
- Larry Utek to Lucasville Rd
Upper Hammonds Plains
$70+/SED - $115/SUV
- Lucasville Rd to Yankeetown Rd
$60/SED - $95/SUV
- Burnside, Downtown, Waverly, Loon Lake
Wood. / Port.
$60+/SED $95+/SUV
- Woodside, Woodlawn, Portland Estates to Cole Harbour
Cole Harbour
$60+/SED - $95+/SUV
- Cole Harbour
Eastern Passage
$70+/SED - $110+/SUV
- Past Shearwater